enigma2 iptv plugin

  1. Dev

    Multi-Stalker Plugin For Enigma2

    Multi-Stalker Plugin For Enigma2 INSTALLATION Command wget -q "--no-check-certificate" https://gitlab.com/hmeng80/extensions/-/raw/main/multistalker-pro/multi-stalkerpro.sh -O - | /bin/sh Servers Must be ON location /home/stalker.conf portal 0...
  2. Dev

    Enigma2 IPTV Plugin

    Enigma2 IPTV Plugin - suls.co.uk See E2m3u2bouquet homepage for detail of the script version. Prerequisites For the Epg you need to have the Epg-importer plugin installed – this should be available in most plugin feeds. Downloading Download the latest plugin ipk file from here Installation...