Free Permanent Server for All Forum Members

Hello all forum members. We are Starting a Permanent CCcam Server For All Forum Members

Free Server Rules

1. Comment on this Post and
PM me

2. Comment Server Status Every 3/4 Days

3. Don`t use my cline more than one box

4. Reshare Line Ban From The Forum and servers
hola Dev en mi caso no consigo ver nada por horbit
Hello all forum members. We are Starting a Permanent CCcam Server For All Forum Members

Free Server Rules

1. Comment on this Post and
PM me

2. Comment Server Status Every 3/4 Days

3. Don`t use my cline more than one box

4. Reshare Line Ban From The Forum and servers
It works perfectly, thank you
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Reactions: Dev
Buenos días: yo creo que la línea funcionará bien en hotbird( no la he probado), pero en astra no funciona. Por lo menos a mi. De todas formas, muchas gracias por la linea, y todo el trabajo que haceis.
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Reactions: Dev