Server Status - Estado Del Servidores -

Buenas tardes compis sabeis si estan funcionando los tres servidores.A mi me dan fallo gracias un saludo
Note - New Server Hostname 2021

Server 1 / 2 / 3 And V1 - V2 - V3

Host =

Enjoy Friends ??
hola, la 321 del server 3 ha dejado de funcionar a los 2 dias. sabeis algo???

edito.......he vuelto a ver mi cccam y resulta que ha cambiado mi user y mi pass no se como ha pasado.

he puesto la nueva y funciona a la perfeccion por ahora.

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I receive constant freezers on the three members only servers and on the free V1-V5 servers when watching sky DE (caid 09C4), about every 5 to 10 seconds. Mostly on the cinema channels.
I have
disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00;09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000

Is that a known problem? Any possible fix?

Muchas gracias

I receive constant freezers on the three members only servers and on the free V1-V5 servers when watching sky DE (caid 09C4), about every 5 to 10 seconds. Mostly on the cinema channels.
I have
disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00;09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000

Is that a known problem? Any possible fix?

Muchas gracias
Show us your oscam server config !
Show us your oscam server config !
LB settings are remains when trying to solve the problem with that. Currently "off", logging only.
Webif settings removed, not related to the problem.
I tried dropbadcws = 1 as well, but it didn't help either.
# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20_svn SVN r11678
# Read more:

logfile                       = /var/log/oscam.log
clientmaxidle                 = 0
maxlogsize                    = 10000
waitforcards                  = 0
preferlocalcards              = 1
emmlogdir                     = /etc/tuxbox/config/
lb_mode                       = 10
lb_nbest_readers              = 2
lb_nfb_readers                = 2
lb_reopen_seconds             = 60
lb_savepath                   = /var/cache/oscam.stats
lb_auto_timeout               = 1
failbantime                   = 60
failbancount                  = 1
disablecrccws                 = 1
disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00;09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000

port                          = [snip]
version                       = 2.3.2
reshare                       = 1
updateinterval                = 30

enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 0
user                          = local
read_sdt                      = 1
write_sdt_prov                = 1
boxtype                       = dreambox

# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20_svn SVN r11577
# Read more:

user                          = local
au                            = 1
betatunnel                    = 1833.FFFF:1702
group                         = 1,2

Local card redacted, is unrelated, you can guess which one it is.
Free servers IP address instead of ddns due to the ddns domain problem in the past, but connecting via ddns-resolved-IP or direct IP doesn't matter.
The three members-only servers have been set up with the same settings as the free ones below and I had the same issues, I just don't have them in the config anymore.
# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20_svn SVN r11678
# Read more:

label                         =  [snip]
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci2
boxkey                        = [snip]
rsakey                        = [snip]
ecmwhitelist                  = 1843:89
detect                        = cd
group                         = 1
auprovid                      = 003411

label                         = dream4ever.ydns.eu8400
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,8400
user                          = Champ1
password                      =
inactivitytimeout             = 600
reconnecttimeout              = 600
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = dream4ever.ydns.eu8401
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,8401
user                          = Champ2
password                      =
inactivitytimeout             = 600
reconnecttimeout              = 600
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = dream4ever.ydns.eu8402
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,8402
user                          = Champ3
password                      =
inactivitytimeout             = 600
reconnecttimeout              = 600
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = dream4ever.ydns.eu8403
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,8403
user                          = Champ4
password                      =
inactivitytimeout             = 600
reconnecttimeout              = 600
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = dream4ever.ydns.eu8404
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,8404
user                          = Champ5
password                      =
inactivitytimeout             = 600
reconnecttimeout              = 600
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

P: 0648 #ORF
P: 0D95 #ORF
p: 1830 #HD01
P: 1843 #HD02
P: 09C4 #Sky V13

ECM times are good as well, LB stats show for example: (average / last)
9C4@000000:008B:00F5Sky Cinema Family Germany00A7found159174
Sometimes up to 2** but below 300ms.

Other existing config files are oscam.srvid2,, oscam.provid, oscam.tiers. They shall not have any impact on the problem, services are not used in the current config and the others are for display only afaik.
When I try other free test servers, they work fine with these settings.

Thank you for any help!
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porque puede ser que los server 1 2 3 no me funcionan pone server connection failed incluso los de 4800 pone lo mismo gracias por buestro servicio
Server Status - Updated -

Here to discuss the status of servers 1 / 2 / 3
Aquí para discutir el estado de los servidores 1/2/3

If there been a problem we should discuss here .
Si hubiera algún problema deberíamos discutirlo aquí.
Alguien me puede ayudar cómo abrir los servers 1 2 3 gracias
Server Status - Updated -

Here to discuss the status of servers 1 / 2 / 3
Aquí para discutir el estado de los servidores 1/2/3

If there been a problem we should discuss here .
Si hubiera algún problema deberíamos discutirlo aquí.
Alguien me podría decir cómo abrir los servers 1 2 3 gracias
Can anyone tell me if today 2022-08-16 20H P.M. the 3 servers are down?

Alguien puede decirme si hoy 2022-08-16 20H P.M. los 3 servidores están caídos?